Advancing Women In Agriculture: GAVL Leads The Way

Celebrating contributions, addressing challenges, and advocating for gender equality in agriculture at GAVL’s inaugural summit

Godrej Agrovet Limited’s (GAVL) first-ever 'Women in Agriculture' summit was held on March 5, 2024, in Mumbai. This groundbreaking event aimed to celebrate and empower women in the agricultural sector, highlighting their fundamental contributions and addressing some, equally fundamental, challenges.

At the summit, diverse perspectives converged to explore the role of women in agriculture. Panel discussions delved deep into various aspects, from enhancing employability to promoting women in leadership roles. We engaged in thought-provoking conversations, identifying skill gaps and discussing strategies to bridge them. We hoped that the exchange of ideas would feel not only enlightening but also inspiring, igniting a sense of purpose and determination among our colleagues, peers and everyone in the audience who hopes to effect positive change.

Balram Singh Yadav, Managing Director of GAVL, opened the summit with a speech that underscored the urgency of empowering women in agriculture. His commitment to nurturing 1,00,000 women in the sector resonated with us all, emphasising the tangible impact our collective efforts could have on women's lives and the agricultural landscape.

Mallika Mutreja, Head of Human Resources, reiterated GAVL’s unwavering dedication to women's empowerment. “At GAVL, the empowerment of women is at the heart of every action we undertake. We firmly believe that feminisation in agriculture will aid us adapt best practices and address the structural inequalities, which is key for our industry in order to realise the potential of women farmers. While this inaugural summit in partnership with the Agriculture Skill Council of India, signifies a crucial moment, as an entity which is focused on helping feed our nation, we look forward to more such collaborations in the coming years.”

The summit also provided a platform for networking and collaboration, with esteemed industry leaders and academic experts sharing their insights and experiences. From Nadir Godrej, Chairman and Managing Director of Godrej Industries Limited, to Angshuman Bhattacharya, Partner at EY, experts and advocates for change underscored the significance of the initiative and the collective responsibility we share in striving for a more equitable future.

With this inaugural Women in Agriculture summit, we were trying not just to have a gathering, but a catalyst for meaningful action and progress. We believe it’s helped reaffirm our commitment to recognising and empowering women in agri-businesses and, more broadly, the agricultural sector, setting the stage for a future where gender equality is not just a goal but a reality.

Text and photo by the GAVL team.


At GAVL, the empowerment of women is at the heart of every action we undertake. We firmly believe that feminisation in agriculture will aid us to adapt best practices and address structural inequalities, which is key for our industry in order to realise the potential of women farmers.

- Mallika Mutreja, CHRO