The Godrej DEI Lab is on a mission to advance inclusion within the Godrej Industries group, and help build ecosystems of change across corporate India, and beyond.
'Access/Ability' is a documentary about the Godrej Industries Group’s journey of inclusion
Café Arpan and the kitchen that supplies their bakes are the calling card of Yash Charitable Trust, which works exclusively with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs).
The Godrej DEI Lab works both within and outside the Godrej Industries group of companies to create an organisation, and an environment, in which everyone feels included, and can flourish. We aim to make diversity, equity and inclusion fundamental to how all of us do good business, and do good. We look to you to join us in our efforts, and inspire us to do better.
We're constantly trying to build better workplaces for everyone. Explore some of the work our colleagues at the Godrej Industries group of companies are doing.
Our newsletters, with announcements, information about upcoming projects and events, and news about DEI from the group and around the world. Plus, a selection of media coverage of our work.