Transforming The Landscape Of Agri-Business In Baramati, Maharashtra

How women are breaking barriers in non-traditional roles at GAVL

In GAVL's intensely male-dominated industry, hiring women in non-traditional roles feels more important than ever. The establishment of an all-women production line at a GAVL shopfloor in Baramati, Maharashtra, is a powerful visual symbol of the company's commitment to transformative change.

Our colleagues on this production line handle functions such as production, storing, quality assurance and logistics. The folks at GAVL tell us they took proactive steps while hiring to ensure this. Notably, this expansion was in response to increased demand in the animal feed business, an area of agri-business where women's contributions stand out.

To ensure the success of this initiative, enabling teams made sure to provide necessary support mechanisms such as training programmes, pick-up and drop facilities, and encouraging active participation in WeforShe to enhance skills and confidence among women employees.

Shraddha Khedkar, Trainee Officer, said: "For the past four to five months, I am grateful to Godrej for prioritising women's diversity and providing a conducive platform for our work."

Ensuring that major operations on the production line are staffed and run by women employees helps the company demonstrate the value of diversity in driving business success. The Baramati line has served as a powerful example of how women can excel in roles traditionally reserved for men, thus encouraging more women to pursue careers in various sectors - because why should boys have all the fun?

"As a QA Officer at Godrej Agrovet Ltd, I truly appreciate the management's prompt assistance whenever needed," Priyanka Raskar, Quality Assurance Officer, said. "Additionally, the provision of pickup and drop facilities has been immensely helpful."

Text by Prithvi Vatsalya. Image provided by the GAVL team.


I truly appreciate the management's prompt assistance whenever needed... the provision of pickup and drop facilities has been immensely helpful.

- Priyanka Raskar, Quality Assurance Officer