My Insights From A Doctor-Led Session On Trans Healthcare

Navigating healthcare for trans employees from a personal perspective

As a trans woman, attending a session on the Godrej Industries Group's medical policy for transgender individuals during Pride Month 2024 was both eye-opening and affirming.

Speakers at the session included Dr Divyang Doshi, Chief Medical Officer at the group, Dr Shivani Panday, our mental wellness specialist and Dr Umang Kothari, a plastic surgeon, as well as Dr Aasim Maldar, an endocrinologist.

Here's what I learned and how it resonated with my own journey.

Understanding Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria, the distress experienced when one's gender identity doesn't match the sex assigned at birth, is something I have personally faced. Hearing it explained in simple terms during the session made me feel seen and understood.

This condition causes significant discomfort and can lead to mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety. Our discussion with the doctors also touched on the social difficulties we face, such as discrimination and the potential loss of family and friends—experiences that many of us, me included, have sadly encountered.

Considering Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Learning about HRT in detail was incredibly beneficial. HRT involves taking hormones to help our bodies develop characteristics that match our gender identity. For trans women like me, this includes estrogen and anti-androgens.

At the session, doctors and participants underscored how HRT can significantly enhance our quality of life by aligning our physical traits with our gender identity. Personally, HRT has been a crucial part of my transition, helping me feel more at home in my body.

Deciding to start HRT was a major step for me, and the session reinforced the importance of careful consideration. We discussed the need to weigh the benefits and drawbacks, understanding short-term side effects such as mood swings and weight changes, as well as long-term risks like increased cholesterol, which can be particularly concerning for trans women.

The session emphasised the necessity of regular medical check-ups to monitor therapy and adjust dosages, something I've found essential in my own experience.

Surgical Transition

The session provided valuable insights into the requirements and timelines for various surgeries. For example, six months of HRT is typically needed before breast augmentation (top surgery), along with one medical consultation.

For gender affirmation surgeries (previously known as SRS or sex reassignment surgery), such as vaginoplasty, a longer period of HRT (12 months) and social transitioning is necessary, along with consultations from two medical doctors. These guidelines helped me plan my own transition and set realistic expectations.

Post-Surgical Care

Post-surgical care was another crucial topic. Continuing HRT after surgery is often necessary to support mental health and physical well-being since natural hormone production is suppressed.

I learned that recovery from gender affirmation surgery can take up to three months and that ongoing medical follow-ups are vital. This information has been invaluable in managing my expectations and ensuring I take the best care of myself post-surgery.

In all, this session was incredibly validating for me. It highlighted the importance of comprehensive medical support and careful planning for a successful and healthy transition. Having a dedicated healthcare team and regular monitoring has been instrumental in my journey.

This workshop really deepened my understanding of the medical aspects of transitioning and reinforced the significance of personalised care and continuous support. It was a powerful reminder that while the journey can be challenging, we are not alone, and there is a path forward with the right support and resources.

Text by Kavya Jaiswal. Image by Rolie Breja


Gender dysphoria, the distress experienced when one's gender identity doesn't match the sex assigned at birth, is something I have personally faced. Hearing it explained in simple terms during the session made me feel seen and understood.

- Kavya Jaiswal, Senior Executive