Crossing Continents: GCPL's Global Outreach

Fostering inclusion around the world: GCPL's regional diversity

GCPL's operations span sales and manufacturing in over 15 countries. They're proud to report a heartening 52% gender diversity overall at a global level – a number they hope to improve over time. In a group whose values are rooted in independent India's constitutional ideals, GCPL's global commitment to racial, ethnic and gender diversity deepens the approach to inclusion as a whole.

Their DEI commitment takes an intersectional approach, tailored to advance inclusion goals that matter to each region. Across Godrej Africa, US, Middle East (GAUM), the emphasis lies not only on gender diversity but also on race and ethnic representation. Here, the workforce composition mirrors their product offerings, with an impressive 82% gender representation spanning both white-collar and blue-collar roles.

In Latin America, GCPL champions gender equality, advocates for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, embraces disability inclusion, and recognizes the importance of age diversity, particularly for those aged 40 and above. Gender diversity there stands at 43%.

They’ve also intensified efforts to amplify the voices of individuals from brown identity backgrounds and has embarked on affirmative hiring practices. Further, a thorough disability audit was conducted to ensure accessibility and inclusivity.

In Indonesia, the focus extends to gender parity, disability inclusion, and the empowerment of indigenous communities from eastern Indonesia. With a current rate of women’s representation of approximately 29%, GCPL’s endeavours over 2023-24 in this region included benchmarking efforts and participation in international coalitions for women’s empowerment.

These initiatives aim to foster inclusive practices and raise awareness among the workforce through sensitization sessions. The company calls its overarching strategy “Getting to Equal.” That name underscores its commitment to putting in the work to promote more holistic representation, retention, and advocacy across all regions.

From managerial roles to critical life stages, GCPL strives to prioritise diversity and inclusion, recognising the inherent value they bring to its colleagues, and thereby the organisation. As it navigates diverse cultures and contexts, its localised efforts remain anchored in a shared commitment: to fostering an inclusive workplace that celebrates the richness of human diversity.

Text by Prithvi Vatsalya. Image provided by the GCPL team.


Across Godrej Africa, US, Middle East (GAUM), the emphasis lies not only on gender diversity but also on race and ethnic representation. Here, the workforce composition mirrors the product offerings, with an impressive 82% gender representation spanning both white-collar and blue-collar roles.